Tuesday, October 2, 2007


i once again encountered miss vicodin at my local bar recently, and she immediately gave me her phone number - i waited a few days and finally called her, and she did a bait and switch by telling me i had the wrong number!?...i called again with a restricted phone number and she answered, but supposedly i still had the wrong number!? - i knew miss vicodin was weird, but i had no idea (click here)...
NOTE: i always thought the sexual harris was a feminazi headlock wrestling move not unlike a full nelson, but it really has nothing at all to do with wrestling - it instead has everything to do with far lefty democrats pushing their pro-homosexual, boys against the girls mentality down everybody's throats to divide and conquer the populace - and the other truth is this; sexual harassment only applies to working relationships where there is a subservient female employee being harassed by a boss, or if you choose to have your rights violated by working in a semiconductor campus cublicle, none of which i involve myself in...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


much has happened chick-wise in the past few months - one night at a club a really hot blonde chick came up to me while i was singing karaoke and said in a real sultry voice; "i want to talk to you later!" so i eventually got her phone number, but it turns out she forgot she gave it to me, and only wanted to tell me about a cheers reunion party that was going on the next weekend!? damn!
the next notable female is a hot 30 something year old i have known for a few years - she told me about a concert in santa cruz, so i bought a ticket expecting to see her with her boyfriend as usual, but on this night he stayed home, and she seemed strangely non-chalante about it - then i accidentally noticed the bass player of the opening band had his hands all over her, which kinda turned me off, because i've waited a long time for this chick, and the first chance i seem to get, she is with some other dude!? yuk! - for awhile there, i seriously considered her to be a real prospect, but now i'm not so sure (i don't mind playing second fiddle for a little while, but third fiddle is absolutely unacceptable)...
OTHER NOTABLE MENTIONS: last weekend i gave my phone number on a karaoke slip to a wild red-head who turned out to be a lesbian, and a bartender who i have given my number to every summer for the last two years still hasn't called yet - well; at least she smiled about it...oh! and THE MYSTERY WOMAN is still a good bet, but she is too chicken to break up with her boyfriend, so...ALSO; due to the fact that i am not into the NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO) 'internet dating' concept (which is really nothing more than an excuse to find out income levels before a date) and/or divisive post-lewinskian NWO social engineering techniques; i have chosen to meet females the old-fashioned way; face to face - SO DEAL WITH IT!

Saturday, May 26, 2007


i recently went to kragen auto parts to buy some lube grease and recycle my used motor oil when i noticed a very cute 20-something year old literallly staring at me, but i couldn't tell if she was there with the guy behind the counter, so i froze up and chickened out when he took my oil to the back of the store (i needed to be drunk and fearless at that moment, but unfortunately i was not)...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


there is a certain female who i really like, and i think she really likes me too, but since i don't want to count my chickens before they hatch; i am going to refrain from writing about her for now until i see what develops (she is 'occupied' at this point in time - so don't hold your breath, people)...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

THE BARTENDER (continued)

last week at my local pub i was talking to an old friend who almost killed me last summer on the way home from shoreline amphitheatre; we were travelling down highway 101 towards san jose when a chick we were giving a ride home suddenly wanted him to turn off onto the highway 85 on-ramp because it seemed more logical to go into mountain view first...

the car came to a complete stop on the on-ramp to highway 85, and if i hadn't yelled "whoa wait!" he would have pulled directly into the path of three oncoming vehicles and i would have likely been crushed to death in the back seat - instead we were just mildy side-swiped by a truck, causing minor damage (but! this jerk had THE GALL to ask me for money to help him pay for the relatively minor damage to his vehicle, like it was my fault!?)...

anyway, so there i was; finally giving this idiot a piece of my mind over beers, when the bartender (see february 14 2007 roper chick blog post titled 'THE BARTENDER') rudely butted in and told me to quiet down, then eventually ordered the other bartender to cut off my beers, which is stupid because i can get beer next door at the other bar, or at 7-11, or even a local liquor store...

(and besides; she is piss-faced drunk almost every weekend while working, and likely drives home drunk for all i know - adding to this; the new friday night karaoke host [go to: http://likroper.com/superbirdlandarchive4.html - NEIGHBORHOOD COPWATCH > 19 dec 2006 / LICENSE #16K3653] is on federal parole and has been ordered not to drink, but still drinks like a fish anyway while at work - he has been witnessed by several people almost going ballistic, and even had a questionable drunken incident while at work the night before this...you know; if a drunk felon [who i have since partially forgiven] who made threats towards me and almost attacked me can later be hired on as a karaoke host, why are my beers being cut off? - and everyone knows why i didn't call the police that night- but why didn't she call the police?...hmmm)

i think she is really mad because (unlike me) she has an inability to express herself with words; she either can't tell me she actually likes me, or that she really doesn't want to go out with me, either way i still don't have a clue and i'm not even sure if i care at this point in time (even though she is 28 years old, she is still basically a kid who was 18 ten short years ago, and i'm getting way too old for stuff like this)...

it also may have something to do with me writing my thoughts down on a blog, which is a grave offense to most women (in other words; a male communicating his feelings) there are at very least 30 guys who come into that bar specifically for her, but i am the only one who has the guts -- or the stupidity -- to write down my thoughts about her (many women really don't want men to communicate freely, and this is the root of most problems humans face at the moment, so my goal in life is to reverse this oppressive female trend)...

i am guessing that she secretly likes me but has too much of an ego to admit it, and is likely jealous about me flirting with other chicks in front of her in the last few weeks, either that or her bartender buddy is jealous about his girlfriend calling me last week and more than willing to cut off my beers, but maybe that's just my ego talking...

NOTE: i gave up long ago thinking romantically about THE BARTENDER, and at this point i am just trying to be her friend, but she seems a bit too anxiety-ridden, socially-challenged and emotionally-unintelligent to reciprocate in a normal human fashion (no shit! we met at denny's one night and some guy came in and left a suitcase on the table next to us and she freaked out and ran out of the restaurant thinking it was a bomb or something!? - she probably watches too much TV) - while i generally like her as a person, she is turning out to be a sort of strange chick, from a generation which i don't fully understand...since she is only 28 and has an obsession with the band tool, perhaps she has been permanently brainwashed by the evil gender division/social engineering mentality thrust down our collective throats back when hillary was president (either way it's the same old lesson; there are some people around you who you truly think are your friends, but for whatever reason -- they are not -- and that's ok)...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


last saturday was saint patricks' day and almost everybody at the local pub was wearing green, including one particular chick who was wearing a green wig...she was immediately drawn to me and started hanging around, then asked what my sign was, so i told her it was sagittarius and good matches for me are supposedly aries and libra...i gave her a karoke slip with my name and phone number on it and she said that was an original come-on...

she told me that she loves led zeppelin and i told her john bonham was one of my main influences, then she later followed me up to watch me sing 'jumping jack flash' by the rolling stones and was very impressed by my rendition...

by this time i was starting to like all this attention from MGH; she had a very pleasant face and a great personality and the electricity between us was obvious - but unfortunately, the electricity was also obvious to what looked like either her date or boyfriend sitting over at the bar...

she wasn't the perfect chick, but i gave up on seeking perfection long ago as it clearly does not exist - the best one can ask for is a good friend...if a date does not treat you like a new friend and instead compartmentalizes you as being something other than that by playing games etc (like THE BARTENDER in the february 14 2007 blog post) then don't waste your time...

(all of my ex-girlfriends are welcome to contact me at any time, because anyone i make love to even once is a friend for life; no power trips or lame stalking/harassment claims here; i am fully aware that making love to someone is the greatest thing anyone can do in life, and making that love can bring out all the good and bad in people, and unlike some people; i want to be responsible for everything i create in my life)

anyway; there was a friend of mine sitting at the table trying to pick up on MGH's friend (a busty lady who seemed clearly more interested in me than him) so i told MGH and her busty friend that me and my friend go to santa cruz almost every weekend in the summer and that they should come hang with us...she said "that sounds like fun" then immediately went cold and walked over to the angry looking guy at the bar, and that was that; end of encounter...

she was either using me to try and get her boyfriend/date jealous, or doing the usual female thing of making me pay for emoting and/or communicating my feelings to her; like i was planning a date with her months in advance and she already 'got me' and moved on or something - either that or she was out with her boyfriend and felt our thing was getting too hot and heavy and she couldn't take the heat so she got out of the oven...i'll probably never know the truth...

Thursday, March 15, 2007


i saw at very least 50 hot looking chicks while working in downtown san jose yesterday, and a few of them were looking at me like they wanted to rip my clothes off...all i was wearing was a white t-shirt and shorts but it didn't seem to matter - thank you women of san jose...