Wednesday, March 14, 2007


i was at my local pub last saturday night when i saw a lady sitting at the bar who appeared to be looking my way...i quickly wrote up a karaoke slip with my name and phone number on it, then walked over and handed it to her...she seemed genuinely interested and agreed to a date, then said she would call me, which she did two days later...

when she called me, the first thing she started talking about was vicodin; her prescription ran out and she needed more - right now, so i told her that i don't even know what vicodin is, but she kept on about it anyway (i am not a big fan of spaced-out pharmaceutical chicks)...

she kept insisting that i could get some vicodin for her, so since my back goes out occasionally and i understand her plight; to humor her i went along with it and said, "yeh, i'll work on that"...

somewhere along the line i asked for her phone number, but she said that she went out on a date with the bartender the day before and she didn't want to anger him!? (the male bartender, not the bartender in the 14 feb 2007 blog post THE BARTENDER from last month)

(i have been trained since day one that you NEVER swoop in and claim someone as yours on a first date, unless the feeling is mutual and you are both communicative about it, that is - so her words came as quite a surprise to me...every chick throws a new curveball at me)

at this point i was a little fed up, because after first going on and on about needing vicodin, she was batting with one strike, then after her inability to be equal with me and give me her phone number as i gave her mine, along with the bartender date talk where she made a date with me and broke it in typical scatter-brained female fashion, she was almost outa there in my book batting strike three...and while she continued talking about going to first base with me - i was ready to walk instead...

her comments made me balk, and i wondered whether i would even consider attempting to make it to first base during the next inning, let alone second, third or home base - but her home base looked so appealing to me, i am now seriously reconsidering my cold-shoulder, cold-shower rained-out option for some possible play in extra innings...