Wednesday, February 14, 2007


i met a chick a few months back who is a bartender at a local night she said her boyfriend wasn't putting out so i said "i'll put out!" - i have called about 5 times since receiving it with no return calls, but whenever i see her she is friendly and she even once cried out "i love you" one night from behind the bar after i sung a song particularly well (she is probably just being friendly so i will continue tipping her or something, because cute bartenders are not that far removed from strippers when it comes to this)...

i have also heard rumors from el cabon that men are not necessarily her favorite thing (see: the L word) but she supposedly had a boyfriend for quite awhile so i take it she swings both ways, which doesn't bother me one bit - needless to say; i am confused...

and the funny thing is; she is really not the hottest chick in the world when it comes to 1-10 standards, she is between a 6 and an 8 but really cute (and if she thinks i am a loser or that i am 'weird' or something typically female like that; remember; not only is she is a bartender ~ but all chicks have built-in weird-o-meters, so what else is new?)

and if her issue is that she feels like many modern women who are financially empowered and afraid of committment, then why do you think many men are so upset about this whole 'women's empowerment' thing? - because all it adds up to is men being treated like wallets and/or being ignored altogether!?...

(and you know; you would think that women who want lots of money would actually want a man regardless of his income, but instead it often turns into some kind of competition between lovers to see who can make the most money, where financially empowered women often tend to seek out only those who make more money than them)

i like her mainly because of her lively spirit and/or because i know better than to chase the super hot ones; super hot chicks almost always have at very least one main boyfriend, PLUS 5-10 other 'guy friends' patiently waiting in line for her to either get dumped or for her to dump him - if she can actually find time to squeeze you in between the long chain of fools, then you are a lucky man (who plays second fiddle)...

(unless you're in a band, then you're the luckiest of them all - but! i found when touring i had no respect for all the pretty women who only wanted me because they thought i was some sort of big deal - it pissed me off more than anything - it was like; where were you last week, bitch!?! why do you want me now!? if i ever tour again; i will look at it with a different attitude though)

yes; i gave up on seeking perfection long ago, as the most perfect looking chicks are usually the most secretly shallow and self-obsessed, and oftentimes mean-spirited as well, and the ones who aren't usually have some long-time pussy-whipped boyfriend who isn't going away any time soon - and if she just broke it off with him, then she usually just wants to be unattached and will be talking to him almost every day for the next 5 years or so...

really good looking chicks are only worth being with in the long term if they are absolutely crazy about you (which is rare) otherwise you're in for big trouble...

the nicest women of all are almost always the least attractive ones and/or the ladies who have children, as mothers usually tend to be very empathetic and compassionate by nature (if they are good mothers that is, and not every mother is)...

the general rule is this; the better looking the chick, the more $$$ it costs to have her, and mainly here in america (silicon valley especially) where many women act like high paid hookers much of the time when it comes to dating, it's all about spend money first; have sex later (maybe) as opposed to european chicks who tend to be about sex now; money later maybe...

but you know; another funny thing is that i got laid the most back when i had the least amount of cash!? so go figure - i also had the least amount of morals...

(my last girlfriend was european and in many ways she was the most sexually rowdy chick i have ever been with; i could literally stand up during dinner and whip out old mister willie and she would go right to work on him; just like that! - she could be a real bitch, but in many ways she was quite a gal; service with a smile! - this is typical for me though; my aunt says i used to anger her when i was a baby because i would demand my mother pull over the car while driving in order to breast feed me!? - you know; this column isn't even about THE BARTENDER anymore, although i'm sure she thinks it is - yes; she knows about this blog and has read it!)

anyway; i called her up to see if she wanted to be my valentine (a little embarassing) but she did not call me back (she is actually one of six women i asked, but only two of them were nice enough to respond - 2 out of 6 aint bad since a 5% return ratio is considered good in the advertising business)...

i called her up again a day later to leave a message explaining how i understand that she maybe doesn't feel 'like that' about me and that's ok, and also how i often have trouble with people who fail to possess the same level of emotional intelligence as me (as an example, i spoke about a certain girl who really likes me; i treat her very well even though i really don't like her 'like that', just to protect her feelings)...

in other words; calling me back is a good thing to do, even an ethical thing to do regardless of intentions ~ whoever said that there are NO RULES in love and war was an IDIOT - because while this is an astute observation; the truth is there are WAY MORE rules in love than war - if you want it to last, that is...

furthermore; what i have found over and over in my relations with women is this; while most women can literally talk your ear off about many things, they often have an inate inability to talk about and/or face the things that they create in life - for instance; if a relationship goes bad and it's all the woman's fault, she often walks away like "what are you gonna do about it? - i've got the pussy and you don't, hah! deal with it!"...

(one time i got some good advise from a man who was married for many years...his name was mister ramirez and he used to let my old band 'ground zero' practice in his garage back in 1982 - he basically said this; to ultimately be in control; you must use reverse psychology and trick a woman into feeling like she is in control)

ultimate power ultimately corrupts, and modern american women are a really good example of know; can't there be some kind of middle ground between the slutty out-of-control 'empowered' american bitch/cunt woman, and the taliban and/or 'kept' woman? - does it have to be one extreme or the other?...why not a little bit of both?...

the funny thing is; i have not even decided whether i want to sleep with her, but it doesn't really matter because if you ask a woman what time it is, they automatically assume you are picking up on them and/or want to sleep with them, when that is not always the case...

(by the way; of the 50 + female phone numbers i have gathered in the last few years, i have noticed a trend; the female first smiles at you, gives you her cell number and acts like she can't wait to talk to you at a later time - but when you actually call that cell phone number, she treats you like some kinda freak for calling and doesn't answer the phone or call back, like you're 'harassing' her or something!? - it used to be when you got a phone number from a chick, it meant something - but now it seems to mean little or nothing [let the games begin! is what i say] - anyway, i think at least some women are overcompensating a bit with their newfound 'empowerment', and in some ways they are like little babies with high powered rifles [dangerous] due to their relative lack of experience 'on the job' being empowered or something - and while i love all this new technology, their are no doubt some down sides to it like cell phone number oversaturation etc - the cell phone is much like or something, where people often end up with too many 'friends' and not nearly enough time for all of them)

and while she seems sort of innocent looking (one of the reasons i am attracted to her) she also seems a little loose for me, as i said before; i gave up promiscuity long ago because no matter how much you think you are 'just hooking up for sex' you either end up; a) hurting someone's feelings (good example: i talked to an ex-lover six years after our casual sex and she claimed to be still in love with me!? - it's like i cast a spell upon her that she couldn't break, and it made me feel like i misused my powers or something - when i found this out i stopped my casual sexual encounters, because it's not always just about YOU); b) getting your feelings hurt; or c) getting someone pregnant; etc etc etc...

the only real win-win scenario is love...

LRE NOTE: i read somewhere that many 20 something year olds are slutting around as of late like i used to do back in my 20s [before my testosterone thankfully naturally leveled off at 30, giving me a much needed break from being controlled by my penis for 15 years] and this is exactly what i predicted would happen to all the highly sexually-controlled 1990s children who got their early sex education through the republican party with the starr report; once of legal age they would all run sexually amok, so lotta good that did! [i just read that many teens are now into oral sex cuz they do not considered it real sex - well, i remember sleazy rocker chicks back in the 1980s thinking if they gave some guy head that technically wasn't messing around on their boyfriends!? you know; who wants to kiss the lips of a girlfriend who just had them wrapped around some other guys' you-know-what? yuk!] ~ also; i saw a group of teenage high school joggers yesterday while out working, and one of the boys tripped and fell to the ground...i noticed while almost all the boys stopped to help the fallen jogger, the two girls in the group just kept on running without even looking back, as they obviously did not care...these are typical selfish little american teenage bitches [save the cheerleader ~ save the world? how about screw the damn cheerleader and SAVE THE WORLD!? @] who don't give a crap about anything but their precious little selves, and it's too bad it has to be that way ~ a few weeks back a pushing-fight between two latina girls started at my local bar, and almost all the available guys came together to stop the altercation in it's tracks - the good news is this; it shows many men are actually evolving past violence, but the bad news is that women are actually devolving by becoming more callous and increasingly violent, and this is not a positive development - oh and by the way; this post is not necessarily about the bartender, she was just a good excuse to finally write about something i wanted to write about for a long time - in other words; do not misconstrue this as an admission of love or anything, it simply needed to be said -
i feel better now...